Sunday, November 9, 2014

What Equipment Should I Buy?

Heroes. (My Document)

What equipment should i buy?maybe its a common questions. Every player must be confused about equipment. Maybe, one day, you stuck on a level in conquest adventure. Then, you're watching the guide, and then you saw someone beat that level with e.g hammer of doom. And then, you bought that equipment and beat that level. 

Weapons or others equipment are not the only winning factors in a battle in Little Empire, sometimes, you need high level troops or research. Maybe, buying those equipment will help you trough your adventure. But, it will make you need a lot of time to collect for mojo for buying end game weapon(if you're a free player). Yeah, buying Tier 3, 4, or 5 equipments is a mistakes, why?because you can get that by adventuring in both conquest and the Seal. 

Now, after they launch the new adventure named the Seal, we can get various equipments without spending a lot of Mojo. In The Seal, there are so many available loot waiting for you. Tier 5 gear(bones, doom, and darkness set) and not-for-sale equipment are available and waiting for you to be collected. And of course, you can also get not-for-sale egyptian set!

But, the seal is not for every player. The Seal is very hard and it's harder than conquest mode. Even defeating magic dragon dorck is easier than defeating the Seal bosses. But the rewards is better and each elite level is giving a higher chance to get something. The boss level will give you a better probability too. Even it will give you better rewards like egyptian set.

So, what equipment should you buy?

End Game Weapons

Red dragon soul stat (My document)

Every LE player must have end game weapons. They are strong and very useful for you to break trough the hardest level in adventure both conquest and the Seal and also Crusade. End game weapons is a priority before buying other things like Darklight wings, hand of wade or deep purple.

Due to its expensive price, not everyone in the game that have end game weapons. Collecting 999 mojo for a short time is almost impossible. But, sometimes, camel will give you a discount for weapons, for 10%. It means, you can buy end game weapons with "only" 899 Mojo. Still expensive, but, its a nice deal, huh?

Sometimes, collecting mojo is hard and boring, so, what should you do?Installing third party application might help:

How to get FreeMojo : AppNana

By the way, that's my previous post. I suggest you to exchange the google play gift card if LE giving you "Triple your value" promo.

Back to topic. After you have collected 899 or 999 Mojo, there are two choices, buy the end game weapon for your Hero on your castle, or fort. Remember, if you're using a Behemoth/Berserker and Succubus combo, buy the red dragon soul a.k.a angry birds for your succubus, whether its in your fort, or castle. Because, succubus will make you more powerful by her support from behind. It will be a lot easier when you challenge the Seal or crusade.

Not every player using male and female combo. Some of them are using male and male combo. "What hero should i give the end game weapon first?", its up to you. 


Accessories. (My document)

Accessories is your number two shopping list. Accessories are not visible, but, it will make your hero invincible. Some of the accessories are able to collected from fragments. In conquest mode, star of swiftness, scrap metal ring, and lion heart talisman are available, but, they're still not enough for you to be the best player in LE.

When you're in  a battle, maybe your behemoth or berserker can't survive because of the enemy attacks, or your priest is dead. So, what do you need to make your hero stronger and able to survive for longer time?HP absorb is needed.

From Tier 5 weapons until egyptian weapons can absorb your enemy's Health points. But, its not enough, they can only absorb 6-8% of your enemy's health points, so, you need accessories to increase HP absorb rate. "so, what accessories that will give me more HP absorb rate?"

Blood Talisman. Blood talisman is the cheapest and useful accessories that will give your hero +20% HP absorb and also plus 1 defense for your hero. Its good, you can get blood talisman for free in alliance instance or adventure. You can get blood talisman by collecting 8 fragments. You can get blood talisman and royal clover from shortwood cemetery.

Even blood talisman stat will make your hero survive, still haven't enough for you. Blood talisman only gives you 20% hp absorb and +1 defense for your hero. But, other accessories offers different stat and more stat to boost. These are my suggestions for you:


  • Blood Talisman(259 Mojo)(Free from alliance instance battle)
  • Hand of Wade(499 mojo)(459 mojo if there's a promo)
  • Evil Dragon heart(1299 Mojo)(it's up to you, if you can't collecting mojo anymore, blood talisman and Hand of Wade is enough)

  • Wuba's pipe(699 Mojo)(It's not a must to buy it)
  • Evil Dragon Heart(1299 Mojo)(it's a must if you have bought wuba's pipe. Wuba's pipe will decreasing your hero's HP by 20)
  • Evil Dragon skin ring(359 Mojo)
  • Hand of Wade(499 Mojo)

Those are my suggestions. You can buy all of them, or buy some of them depending on your needs, its up to you. You can change your accessories combination depending on your needs in every battle.


Trade up (My documents)

Trade up is one of the method to buy equipments without pay a lot mojo. The original prize of shoulder of evil is around 329 Mojo, but you can buy it for 180 mojo!. That's a nice deal huh?but, you must have the previous set equipment.

But not every equipment can be traded. Accessories and Not-for-sale equipment are unable to be traded.


  • End game weapon is a priority for every player in LE
  • Trade-up is a good way to get better equipment with less mojo
  • Evil dragon heart is a good choice if you wanted to be a great player
  • Spend mojo wisely
  • Decoration like giant pumpkin, column or totem is your last shopping list after end game weapon, accessories and other things
  • You can get blood talisman in alliance instance battle
  • Third party application will help you
  • Don't forget about your real life.

Active members needed!

Our alliance, Pink_Knights, is a level 8 alliance. We have all buildings except refinery and alliance cell. We sold that couple of months ago. We need members with criteria below:

  • Active
  • 35+
  • Loyal
  • That's all
You can send your application to Kiperdefter or Okayyam. Or you can just apply to our alliance without contacting commander or SIC.

Thank you for reading this post and visiting my blog. This is my first post after we found an error from our template. I'll update it soon if i found something new. Don't forget to visit every week! Have a nice day.

To be continued ...

Ravi Web Developer

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