Friday, October 17, 2014

How to Teach your Pikachu a move:Volt Tackle

Originally posted by AlifianRavi on 10/18/2014

Volt Tackle (My document)

Did you have challenge pokemon trainer red? If you have, you must be know that red’s Pikachu learned a move named Volt tackle. You can teach Volt Tackle move in Pokemon generation III, IV, and so on. It’s a strong move which it can hurt your opponent’s pokemon badly, but, it can hurt your own pokemon too.

Teaching Volt Tackle to your Pikachu is not easy. You can’t teach Volt Tackle with TM or tutor move, but, you must breed your Pikachu to get a new offspring with Volt Tackle move already learned. So, you can’t teach your Pikachu, but, you can have a pichu(Pikachu’s offspring) with Volt Tackle.

You can’t have a Pikachu with Volt Tackle without a held item named light ball.

This guide is for Heartgold/Soulsilver, but you can use this guide for another version. Its applicable for Pokemon generation III, IV, and so on.

Obtaining the light ball

Light ball. Sorry, the picture rotates by itself (My document)

To do the breeding method in Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver, you must have a hold item named light ball. First, Teach one of your Pokemon a move named “Thief” then, go to Viridian City. Travel to the north and find the Viridian forest entrance, get in. 

After you get in, explore the Viridian Forest until a Pikachu appeared. After that, use the move named “Thief” and steal the pikachu’s item until you found the light ball.


After you get the light ball, ensure that you have a Pikachu in your party or PC. If you don’t, you can catch one in Viridian Forest. To get Pichu, You don’t need to catch another Pikachu if you have a Ditto in your party or PC. After you have all of those things needed to get a Special pichu, go to Goldenrod city. Walk to the south until you found a day care.

After you gave your Pikachu and ditto, or another Pikachu to the Day care lady, go outside and walk or cycling around. When the Day care man call you and told you to come to the day care, go to the daycare and take the egg. Remember, give one space in your party for the egg.

To make the egg hatch faster, you can add magmar, or other fire type pokemon who have an ability named flame body. Then, cycling and exploring the map to make your pokemon hatch.

Evolving Pichu

Hair cutting will increase your Pichu's Happiness. (My document)

To Evolve pichu, you need to be patient. Because Pichu needs happiness to make him evolve. You can cut his hair in Goldenrod city underground behind a desk. It can increase your pichu’s happiness. And you can go to Pallet town, and visit pokemon trainer blue’s sister. 

She can massage your pokemon on a specific time. It can increase your Pichu’s happiness slightly. But, if you lose in a battle, or you gave your pichu a herbal medicines, it will make your pichu’s happiness lowered.

Always check your Pichu's happiness. Sorry, the picture rotates by itself. (My document)

You can check your pichu’s happiness in Goldenrod city, next to the Goldenrod city department store. There’s a small, yellow house, get in, and talk to a lady. She will tell your pokemon’s happiness. 

After your pokemon is very happy, now, it’s time to evolve. Level up for one level, and your pichu will be becoming a Pikachu.

How About ...

Maybe, one day, you wanted to play the newest 3D Pokemon games like Pokemon white 2, Pokemon X and Y, or Pokemon Mega alpha and sapphire, but, the bad news is, you can't play those games on nintendo DS, but, you must have a Nintendo 3DS in order to play those games.

When i'm looking for Nintendo 3DS, i found a cheaper Nintendo 3DS(cosmo black) for only $186.99!that's a nice deal, huh?, check out this link for further information and picture. Thank you.
Ravi Web Developer

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